Colleague - Product & Ideas For The Reserve
Colleague to introduce products which will be capable to change the world's economy on sustainable path.
Our products:
Colleague For Email: An email service where you can't delete the received email
Colleague Talk: Messaging app for companies employees to talk with their company mates or another city workers in the same company.
Colleague Student Talk: Messaging app for the student to talk with their school or college students in decent way.
Colleague: Flagship product which will allow any fired job person to get job instant on the mobile in a tap.
Colleague For Education: An app which will allow to teacher make the student give penalty fee against the punishment. Suspend and Active will be the feature in this app.
Colleague For Banking: An app which will allow accountant to get earn by sending some transfer to the users of Colleague.
Colleague For Governance: An app to give great life about governance through virtual administration.
Colleague For Website: A Social Network for Websites on the internet
Rest Products are Colleague For Movies, Colleague For Music, Colleague For Product, Colleague For Home, Colleague For Medical